Welcome to my blogger. I post about companies I am affiliated with that deal with social netowrking, business opportunities, travel and health/wellness.
So girls (AND guys for that matter...) if you want a bigger butt then you need to be squatting and you need to be deadlifting. And you need to be doing these exercises HEAVY!!
The Squat and the Deadlift are HUGE compound exercises. They're both full body exercises that use large muscle groups, including your core (abs, lower back, obliques) which gets worked while bracing your mid-section and keeping your body tight throughout the entire range of motion.
On top of squats (goblet, front, overhead & zercher) and deadlifts (conventional, kettlebell, sumo & romanian), here are some other fantastic go to exercises that will help pump up your posterior chain!
dumbbell lunges
dumbbell step-ups
kettlebell swings
single leg or pistol squats
weighted hip raises
high box jumps
band heel kicks
And how do you decide on the right amount of weight?!?
You want pick a weight that is heavy enough to really challenge you through the entire rep range, but not so heavy that you’re unable to maintain proper form throughout.
Here is an example of a "booty building" workout routine:
Task #1 - Complete a total of 5 sets.
front squats - 10-12 reps
weighted hip raises - 15-20 reps
Task #2 - Complete a total of 4 sets.
kettlebell deadlift - 10-12 reps
dumbbell lunges - 8-10 reps/side
Task #3 - Complete a total of 10 sets.
kettlebell swings - 15 swings EMOM (every minute on the minute)
Skill/Strength Exercise: Barbell Deadlift
Skill/Strength Exercise: Barbell Front Squats
Accessory Exercise: Band Heel Kicks
Accessory Exercise: Dumbbell Glute Bridges
Sunday, July 21, 2013
The BodyPROUD Movement was launched by Mindy Blackstien and Jeffrey Kippel who have over 30 years combined experience in the fitness wellness industry.
THEN (Overview of Accomplishments):
Spearheaded and laid the foundation for an entire industry: launching multiple leading bodybuilding and fitness organizations; producing physique competitions worldwide; organizing the country's largest fitness consumer expos; hosting personal training conventions; publishing national and international fitness, swimsuit and lifestyle magazines; managing athletes and top models; training and coaching bodybuilders, fitness models, figure competitors, fitness athletes, presenters and workshop leaders; judging international pageants and events; launching the "I AM bodyPROUD" Showcase events, the bodyPROUD Community and the bodyPROUD global awakening movement; and aligning with the Truestar Health Network to create healthy people from the inside out.
As well as: The BodyPROUD Community, TSN/ESPN Fitness Series (TV), FAME: Fitness And Model Expo (Canada's largest health and fitness consumer show for all of its 5 years running), The Ultimate Fitness Challenge (with Trish Stratus), the Canadian Active Lifestyle Festival, FAME West, FAME East, FAME World Championships, FAME Centrals, FAME India Tour, FAME UK Championships, FAME Philippines, FAME South Africa, FAME Africa, FAME Caribbean, ANB-WNSO (Australia Bodybuilding Organization), FAME Magazine, and still more.
... AND NOW:
Their Personal Mission:> Being integral to the shift of consciousness, influencing people globally to be bodyPROUD -- inside & out, head to toe, mind to heart -- who love living their most healthy, happy, active, and confident lives.
> Helping Trainers, Athletes and Wellness Professionals Develop Themselves Personally, Professionally, and Financially so that they can empower countless others.
> Popularizing "I AM BodyPROUD" as a personal mantra, and the thing to be regardless of age, socio-economic situations and life challenges
> Having BodyProud Challenge / Showcase events recognized for their life-enhancing value to the point that they become society-advocated and part of the educational curriculum
FAME Media Group Inc
> Assisting environmentally responsible brands, products, services, businesses and individuals who inspire, influence, facilitate and/or empower bodyPROUD living - FAMEmediagroup.com
BodyPROUD Community:
> A safe place for individuals who are ready to take charge of their life and conquer their physical, mental and emotional hurdles, and a collection of AHAs made by those who have already done so having also transformed themselves into happy, healthy, confident, physically-able, life-loving, bodyPROUD beings. - BodyPROUD.org
FAME World Tour:
> Providing global platforms for bodyPROUD individuals that double as incentives for people of all ages to sculpt their physique into that of their heart's desire.- FAMEworldtour.com
Truestar Health Network:> Providing free tools and resources to help people become bodyPROUD whether they want to compete as an athlete, showcase their accomplishment in an "I AM BodyPROUD" Showcase event, or simply lose weight, gain muscle, age youthfully, boost energy, improve overall wellness, enhance physical abilities, or discover inner confidence. - GoTruestar.com
Being BodyProud is a lifelong loving CHOICE you GIFT to yourself. In fact, everyone should choose to be bodyPROUD, a major choice that is available to each of us at any stage of life, regardless of current physical abilities, self-love, health, financial means, stressors and/or appearance. Doing so fuels good-for-you decisions, actions, and loving self-care.
Choosing to be BodyProud is something that should be taught through out a child's life and is within the parents' ability to instill. Leading by example is key. In addition to upping the perceived self-worth of your children, it greatly benefits your own happiness, health, confidence, mobility and strength.
Our passion lays in inspiring people to the point where they feel empowered to give love to their body and focus on what it is they want out of life -- key emphasis on "they" rather than "others" -- in terms of ideal possibilities, dreams, desires, attitude and self-talk.
Our leaders, Jeffrey Kippel and Mindy Blackstien, have been actualizing their passion since 1997, when they first influenced mass amounts of people to blossom to life by becoming BodyProud.
Competitive physique events was their entry pathway. Through the events, individuals were challenged, encouraged and incentivized to transform themselves inside and out, head to toe, and mind to heart. Those who never felt it before, finally felt LOVE for their body.
Those who thought they could never reveal themselves at the beach, actually chose to step on stage in a bikini, unveiling their body as an actual prized-possession.
Many who previously did not believe in Self or have positive body-image, claim this was a pathway they felt changed their lives forever, for the better.
People left the event stage feeling like the superheroes their body now resembled, and the overall experience rebirthed themselves as new Beings.
Using the stage as their forum, individuals were able to celebrate their BodyProud transformation success -- resulting from their decision to focus on themselves -- with deep rooted pride. The competition avenue helped individuals became athletes, and athletes become role models of fitness.
Jeff and Mindy's efforts ultimately blazed a new pathway that popularized natural physique sports, events, figure competitors, fitness athletes, bodybuilders and fitness models worldwide.
In 2007, Jeff and Mindy recognized benefits in marrying the "in-the-zone competition training" attitude with an "everyone's a winner" celebration. With that they launched the first official "I AM BodyPROUD" Showcase event. It featured athletes of all ages who were competing in the FAME World Tour: International Physique Championships, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2008.
At this event, athletes shined not as athletes but as individuals excited to be given the opportunity to publicly share their life accomplishments.
Introspective in nature, they revealed life events and body image attitudes which they had previously allowed to define them.
Heroes were discovered in that room, on that stage. Heroes who chose to commit to themselves, and who, as a result, developed an attitude of drive, determination, passion and perseverance. Heroes who changed their world forever by taking action to change their lives, situations, and diagnoses. Heroes whose lives were enhanced immediately upon hearing their own heart-spoken emotion-driven words.
We watched as tears wet the face of bodybuilders, models and media; we felt the magic as admiration and inspiration filled the air; and we saw world champions shine as individuals and transition into role models of mind-body-heart health and fitness…
The Tour of "I AM BodyPROUD" Showcase events is getting underway for launch. These events are two-part: Goal-Setting and Showcase. People are helped to envision feeling bodyPROUD; to feel the feeling of how that feels - ie. feeling energetically lifted. They then get to describe what being bodyPROUD means to them visually. Following that, each person is provided with all the tools they need to accomplish their goals, including brand building, fund-raising and/or revenue-generational abilities.
Events are spaced 30, 60, 90 days apart so that Goal-Setters can share their milestones, AHAs and transformation triumphs. They each have the stage as a time to shine. In some cases, they may even opt to showcase their Body as Art revealing superior strength, bang-on-balance, fantastic flexibility, magical movements, and unsuspecting physical talents.
Our grand-scale vision sees the bodyPROUD movement embraced by mainstream society -- parents, teachers, adults, children, teens & seniors -- as necessary initiatives for personal gain (and at every stage of life)
The FAME World Tour produces, promotes, and hosts athletic physique-focused sporting events on a global scale. With its inception in 1998, the FAME Stage quickly became a platform for natural athletes worldwide to build their brand, gain exposure, and vie for Pro Status.
The FAME World Tour excels as a leader in the industry and facilitates a fun, friendly, holistic experience.
“FAME: Fitness. Athletes. Models & Muscles. Entertainment.” -- Set amid the backdrop of intense competition, FAME also attracts those who are new to the world of health, fitness, and athleticism as well as seasoned competitors of multiple ages (18 to 84 so far!) and levels. It provides an opportunity for natural athletes to compete and excel on an even-playing field. Through its tiered system approach, those who are most skilled can earn Pro status and compete for cash, endorsements, and life enhancing opportunities.
FAME offers multiple categories to appeal to a wide range of individuals with certain skill-sets and/orbodyPROUD physique preferences. Thus, those who prefer to highlight their lean, curvaceous physique are equally rewarded as those who favor muscle mass and chiseled definition.
As a testament to their athleticism, physique athletes perform individually choreographed entertainment routines. The routines showcase their Body-as-Art, and allow them the opportunity to demonstrate their strength, balance, stamina, and flexibility. Of course, presentation, style, body symmetry, and audience connection are of utmost importance as well.
By nature of the type of training, preparation, and stage requirements involved in competing, FAME World Tour participants often report life-enhancing results following the stage: boosts in confidence, new appreciation of nutrition, improved understanding of their own body, new-found belief in self, receptivity to mediation and/or visualization, improved posture.
As a witness to their transformations, those on the outside looking in – such as families, friends, and co-workers – take notice and the FAME Athletes essentially lead by example.
The positive reinforcement and AHA Moments experienced by FAME Athletes generally propels them further down their own pathway for personal growth. Being visibly fit, healthy and happy, FAME Athletes arerole models for the BodyPROUD lifestyle.
The FAME World Championships is the multiple day grand finale international competition and event held annually in Las Vegas. It attracts the best of the best in the fitness, modeling and natural bodybuilding world while also recognizing and celebrating their inspirational transformation triumphs and journeys from despair to self-discovery.
The FAME World Tour Competition categories include Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Fit Duos, and a Model Search. The Model category is further divided into Swimsuit Modeling, Fitness Modeling and Muscle Modeling.
Categories may be further subdivided into age divisions (Juniors, Masters, Grandmasters, Super Grandmasters), experience (Novice, Open, Advanced, Pro), height, and weight. In addition there are categories for those who face physical challenges: standing or wheelchair.
Although intense competition at its core, the FAME World Tour competition stage also becomes a celebration of each others personal BodyPROUD Triumphs.
Natural Requirements:The FAME World Tour follows the drug testing policies, contest rules and event guidelines of its governing body, the World Natural Sports Organization (WNSO).
Always Interconnected: FAME and BodyPROUD: It’s A Two-Way Street
FAME to BodyPROUD: Competing in the FAME World Tour ENLIGHTENS people to their BodyPROUD Potential. People who wish to transform their physique are often recommended to use the FAME World Tour as a goal. Having a set date, defined physique goals, and something tangible to aim towards heightens one’s accountability to themselves, their trainer, and their personal goals and vision. Committing to make a stage debut where they model their physique generally ensures everyone follows through with the fitness, nutritional and visualization recommendations taught. In the process, they learn how to eat healthy and how to sculpt their body. They develop an appreciation for what they realize they are capable. They enjoy the shape their body has taken, the extra energy they feel, the unexpected boost in confidence, and the fact that they have inspired those around them -- their friends, parents, siblings, co-workers, children, and even grandchildren -- to follow suit. Following the competition, the knowledge learned remains with them, their taste buds change so they naturally crave what the body needs, and they have a newfound enjoyment for healthy foods and regular physical activity. Ultimately, their FAME World Tour experience opens them up to recognizing their personal growth, ie. BodyPROUD, potential. From there, passion is often ignited and athletes generally continue on with their introspective journeys.
BodyPROUD to FAME: To Reach Certain BodyPROUD Milestones, the FAME World Tour becomes a Fantastic Tool. For those who are on their journey of personal growth, the FAME World Tour becomes a remarkable tool. It often requires that people push past their comfort zone and learn how to face their fears: fears of being in front of an audience, and/or fears of being seen in a swimsuit. For many it also requires that they push past their perceived physical limitations, and/or self-imposed shyness. For others it ensures they take control of their health to reverse or halt disease and illness and/or find new levels of wellness.
As such, the FAME World Tour experience -- from training to stage time and beyond -- has proven to be integral to the personal growth of multiple people worldwide. For this reason, every single person who wishes to see new levels of personal development are encouraged to compete. The exposure, opportunities, prizes and potential to leave as a contest winner – or move towards Pro Status -- are additional and tremendous benefits.
The formation of the republic was based on a clause in the 1918 Act of Union with Denmark, which allowed for a revision in 1943, as well as the results of the 1944 plebiscite.
German occupation of Denmark meant that the revision could not take place, and thus some Icelandic politicians demanded that Icelanders should wait until after the war. The British and U.S governments, which occupied Iceland at the time, also delayed the declaration by asking the Icelandic parliament to wait until after 1943. Although saddened by the results of the plebiscite, King Christian X sent a letter on 17 June 1944 congratulating Icelanders on forming a Republic.
Abolishing the monarchy resulted in little change to the Icelandic constitution, "The President" was merely substituted for "The King". However the people of Iceland celebrated the end of the long struggle for total independence and praised Jón Sigurðsson for his early independence movement and Sveinn Björnsson, who became the first president of Iceland.
Today, Icelanders celebrate this holiday on a national scale. The celebration traditionally takes the form of a parade through each urban area with a brass band at the fore. Riders onIcelandic horses often precede the brass band and flagbearers from the Icelandic scout movement traditionally follow the brass band. After the parade several speeches are held out in the open, including one from Fjallkonan (the woman of the mountain), clad in Skautbúningur, who recites a poem. She represents the fierce spirit of the Icelandic nation and of Icelandic nature; this is in many ways an inheritance from the period of romanticism that reigned when the first steps toward independence were taken. After speeches and other officialities are over, a less formal celebration takes place with musicians entertaining the crowd, candy being devoured by children in huge quantities, and gas-filled balloons escaping their owners and flying to the sky. It is also somewhat traditional to expect rain on this day, particularly in the Southwest of Iceland.
About Level One:Backed by years of online marketing experience, Level One Network brings to you one of the most powerful and optimized online marketing systems to ever hit the industry.
Unlike any other blogging systems online, Level One Network's proprietary blogging system has been built from the ground up along with intricate planning that was focused on providing anyone with real search engine results. Designed completely around search engine optimization, Level One Network provides all published content with main domain exposure to produce maximum results for any online marketing campaign. In addition to main domain exposure, all content is also directly fired into the entire network's RSS feed system.
When you combine these facts along with a strategically designed category system that links search engines into all published content, you now have a powerful network that will truly provide high page ranks beyond any other system online.
This allows anyone involved with online marketing to bring their marketing efforts to the next level!
Level One Network's blogging system also provides the end user with powerful built-in tools including our own proprietary SEO Scope and AutoPing service allowing your content to hit the internet with immediate exposure.
Even if your experience online is limited, there is no need to worry as Level One Network provides weekly live training sessions showing even the beginner how to maximize their online potential with very detailed instructions.
And let's not forget that you will also have the ability to earn 100% commissions and a residual income through our automatic affiliation system.
These are the factors that make Level One Network an internet leader when it comes to high caliber products, advanced training and a lucrative opportunity that are truly unparalleled in the industry. Are you ready for the next level?
Explore our network and see for yourself why Level One is the right choice for any individual marketing online... including YOU!
Our Concept:Professionals in all industries are able to utilize the Level One Network blogging system to increase their online presence because the network blogging system upholds the professionalism that businesses need in order to maintain credibility through its pristine and professional design.
Regardless of the industry or the products and services you are offering, the tools and the education offered by Level One Network are designed to maximize your online presence while increasing your business's results. This is accomplished by our advanced Level One blogging system which has been specifically optimized for the search engines to gather your content. In addition, Level One Network's product line is designed to help increase search engine optimization, playing a significant role in your online marketing efforts. Included with Level One Network is our advanced online training seminars, so businesses and marketers know exactly how to utilize the tools provided them through our network.
One of the main concepts and chief goals of Level One was to give marketers an effective and powerful tool that would produce real results when it comes to online marketing, and that's exactly what we have accomplished.
Level One Network also wanted to provide a product that was going to attract all professionals who are involved with marketing online. Not only are marketers, networker's and direct sale businesses involved with Level One, but other industries are also utilizing this powerful system as well. Professionals such as realtors, financial planners and dentists are now able to utilize the Level One Network system as well because our blogging network upholds the professionalism these businesses need in order to maintain credibility.
The bottom line is that the Level One Network marketing system is ideal for any business or industry regardless of their product or service, especially if their goal is to gain more exposure through search engine traffic.
The products of Level One Network have been carefully planned, intricately designed and have taken nearly a year of research and development just to create.
In return we are able to release a line of proprietary products that have been built from the ground up and are unmatched in the industry... ONLY Level One Network is able to offer them! Because of this we were able to create our products with the end-user in mind, making sure they were all user-friendly, easy to use and optimized for search engine results. This also means that as an affiliate you can start using our proprietary products to produce real results online with your marketing efforts.
The Level One Network blogging system, SEO Pro Connect and PDF Pro Express have been praised as an industry leader in network blogging systems and have been designed for anyone marketing online to achieve maximum results... Including YOU!
Immediate Exposure:Imagine having your online content instantly seen by thousands! That's exactly what Level One Network can bring to you through our proprietary blogging system. In addition to our entire network being completely optimized for search engines on many different levels, all Level One Network affiliates receive immediate front page exposure when they publish their content online with our network. This means your content is displayed directly on our home page with a direct line into the network's RSS feeds as well.
This allows your content to be indexed faster by multiple search engines, and as a part of the network your content can easily achieve higher page ranks faster than any other system can provide online.
The bottom line is that we wanted to ensure that all affiliates were getting as much exposure as possible, and that's exactly what we have accomplished. Every time you publish content though our network, you immediately receive main page exposure on our website's main page allowing it to be indexed quickly by search engines.
Network Success:Level One Network is specifically designed so that marketers in any industry are be able to build a powerful online presence for their marketing efforts through a powerful network that was distinctively created for search engines. Because of this fact... the entire network is able to enforce page rankings as a whole with search engines, meaning your marketing efforts can receive higher page rankings very easily with our system.
As every online marketer should know, higher page ranks on search engines lead to more online traffic for your business. This is the meaning of network success, and also why individuals involved with Level One Network are achieving online results like they never have before.
Resistance bands are a great addition to any strength training routine or rehabilitation program and come in a variety of sizes, lengths, and strengths. This portable exercise equipment is also easily stored, making it perfect for home use, hotel workouts, or when you’re tight on space at the gym. Just like free weights, exercise bands come in a range of resistance levels, from highly stretchable to heavy-duty strength. The most common types of bands include tube bands with handles, loop bands (aka giant rubber bands), and therapy bands. (When in doubt, a fitness professional can help determine which band is right for you, depending on your fitness level and specific workout plan). For most exercises, try aiming for 8-25 reps for 2-3 sets per exercise.
Lower Body
1. Front Squat. Squat like you mean it. Stand on a tube band with the feet slightly wider than your shoulders and center of the band between the feet. Holding a handle in each hand, bring the top of the band over each shoulder, securing the band in place by crossing your arms at your chest. Sit straight down, chest up, abs firm, pressing your knees out over your toes. Rise back up to start position and repeat for 8-12 reps.
2. Leg Extension. Kick it up a notch with this quad-builder. Anchor the loop band in a low position on a support, looping the other end around your ankle with the band positioned behind you. Step away from the anchor to create tension on the band, and position feet hip-width apart. Shift your weight to the left foot, and lift the right leg from the floor. Extend the knee until it straightens out in front of you. Slowly return your leg to starting position and repeat for 8-12 reps before switching legs.
3. Prone (Lying) Leg Curl. Lie belly down and loop a band around your right ankle, anchoring the other end to a door or support. Scoot way from the anchor to create tension. Tighten your core and bend your leg at the knee, bringing your heel toward your glutes as far as you can comfortably go. Slowly return your leg to starting position and repeat for10-15 reps, then switch sides.
4. Standing Adductor. Anchor your loop band at ankle height to a support and stand with your left side facing the support, wrapping the free end around your right (outer) ankle. Stand perpendicular to the band and step away from the support to create some tension (the good kind, of course).From a wide stance, get into a quarter squat or an athletic stance, and then sweep your working ankle across your body past your standing leg, squeezing your thighs together. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 12-15 reps before switching sides.
5.Supinated Clamshell. Feeling a bit clammy?Loop a band around your legs just above your knees. Lie on your back with hips and knees flexed to 90 degrees. Pull the knees apart while contracting your glutes for 2-3 seconds. Slowly return to starting position and repeat, aiming for 10-12 total reps.
6. Plantar Flexion (Ankle Flexion).Take a load off for this one. Secure a loop or therapy band around an anchor (like the leg of a coffee table or chair), and sit with one leg straight out, wrapping the other end of the loop around the top of your foot. Lean back, supporting your weight on your hands, and flex your foot forward until you feel a good stretch in your shin. In a controlled movement, bring your toes back up, flexing them toward your knee as far as comfortable. Slowly return to starting position and go for 10-12 reps on each side.
7.Standing Abduction. This one’s a bit of a balancing act. Anchor your loop band at ankle height, and stand with your left side toward the anchor. Attach the free end to your outside ankle and step out to create tension on the band. Move your supporting leg back so your foot is elevated from the floor, lift your working leg up, slowly bringing your looped foot out to the side, contracting your outer glutes. If you feel wobbly, grab a support (like the wall or the back of a chair). Lower back down to starting position and repeat for 15-20 reps on each side.
8.Glute Bridge. Salute those glutes!Tie a band around your legs right above your knees. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor, bending your knees to 90 degrees. Rise up with your hips until your shoulders, hips and knees align, contracting your glutes through the entire movement. Slowly lower down and bridge back up for 15-20 bridges.
9.Seated Abduction. Move over, Susan Summers! To really show those thighs who’s boss, sit at the edge of a chair or bench and tie a loop band around both legs, just above the knees. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly press your knees out, turning your feet in as your legs move apart. Hold for two seconds, and then bring your knees back together. Aim for 15-20 reps.
10.Lateral Band Walk. Don’t sidestep these side steps! Step into a loop band or tie a therapy band around the lower legs, just above both ankles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart to create tension on the band. From a half-squat position, shift your weight to the left side, stepping sideways with the right leg. Move the standing leg slightly in, but keep the band taught. Continue in this walking fashion, repeating for 8-10 steps before heading back the other way.
11. Bent Over Row. You can do it, put your back into it. Stand over the center of the band with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge at the waist, keeping your hips back. Grasp each handle with hands facing the outside of your knees. With elbows bent, pull the band up toward your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Lower and row for 10-12 reps.
12.Seated Row. Take a seat, but don’t get too cozy. With legs extended, place the center of the band behind the soles of your feet. Grab the band with both hands, arms extended and palms facing each other. Sitting nice and tall, bend at the elbow and pull the band toward your core, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 10-12 reps.
13.Lying Pullover. No, this doesn’t involve pulling the covers over your head.For this effective pec and lat exercise, anchor the tube band in a low position. Next, lie on your back, grabbing the free end of the band with both hands, stretching arms straight out overhead. With elbows slightly bent, pull the band overhead, crossing your torso until the handle reaches your knees. Slowly return to starting position and keep it up for 8-10 reps.
14. Pull Apart. Stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the middle section of the band with both hands at shoulder level with palms facing down. Keeping your arms straight, pull the band out and back until your shoulder blades contract. Slowly return to starting position and stretch, squeeze, and release for 8-10 reps.
15.Lat Pulldown. Ready to work the upper back? Anchor the band overhead to a horizontal bar (or even a sturdy tree limb), pulling the free ends down at your sides. Kneel facing the anchor so the bands are positioned in front of you, gripping each end with arms extended overhead and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width. Bending the elbows, pull the band down toward the floor while contracting your back muscles. Once the hands reach your shoulders, slowly raise them back to the starting position and rock out 10-12 reps.
16.Push-Up. Level up those push-ups with bands. Get in plank position, draping the resistance band across your low back. Loop the ends of the band through each thumb, and place your hands on the ground in starting position — body facedown on the ground. Contract your glutes and abs, and push straight up until your arms fully extend. Lower back down, chest to the floor, and see what you’ve got for 5-20 reps (depending on your strength).
17.Standing Chest Press. Anchor the tube band on a cable column or sturdy support at chest height. Grab each handle with your back to the band. Step forward to reduce slack, positioning your hands at chest height. With elbows up and palms facing down, press the band straight out in front of you until your arms reach full extension, and squeeze those chest muscles. Return to starting position and press on for 12-15 reps.
18.Incline Chest Press. Next up: The upper chest muscles! In a right forward lunge position, place the middle of your band beneath your back foot.Grabbing a handle in each hand, bring the band to shoulder level. Press the bands upward straight over your chest like a rainbow until the arms fully extend. Lower back down and repeat for 10-12 reps.
19.Bench Press. No barbell? No problem! Anchor a tube band on the bench legs, and lie on the bench, face up. Grabbing a handle in each hand. position them at shoulder height (so your thumbs touch the front of your shoulders). Extend the arms straight up overhead to full extension, moving your hands toward each other at the top. Lower back down and repeat for 10-12 reps.
20. Overhead Press. Stand over the center of a tube band with feet shoulder-width apart. Grip each handle, positioning your hands at shoulder level with palms facing each other so your thumbs touch your shoulders. Press straight up, rotating your palms forward as you fully extend your arms. Lower back down slowly and repeat for 8-10 reps.
21.Lateral Raise. Build bolder shoulders with this isolation move.Stand with feet positioned over the center of a tube band, shoulder-width apart. Grip each handle with arms down at your side and palms facing in. Bending your elbows ever so slightly, raise your arms straight out to the side to shoulder-level. Slowly lower back down and go for a total of 8-10 reps.
22.Forward Raise. To hit the front of the shoulders, stand on the middle of the band with feet shoulder-width apart and grip each handle at your sides with palms facing in. Next, without locking your elbows, bring your right arm straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Slowly lower back down and raise the roof for 8-12 reps before switching arms.
23.Upright Row. Stand proud as you target your traps. With feet positioned over the center of the band, shoulder-width apart, grip each handle and position them with palms facing each other just in front of your thighs. Pull the band straight up the front of your body to shoulder-level, keeping your elbows bent and positioned in a high “V.” Slowly lower back down to starting position and keep rowing for 10-12 reps.
24.Bent Over Rear Delt Fly. Target the whole shoulder with this fierce move. Sit at the edge of a chair or bench, positioning your feet over the middle of the band. Cross the band at your knees, grabbing each handle with palms facing each other. Bend forward at the waist, back straight, and raise your arms straight out to your sides until the band reaches shoulder level. Lower back to starting position and fly away with 10-12 reps.
25.Standing Double Bicep Curl. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with your feet placed over the middle of the band. Grab a handle in each hand, starting with your arms down at your sides. With palms facing in front of you, pull your arms toward your shoulders by bending at the elbow until you get a good bicep contraction. Slowly lower back down and go for a total of 12-15 curls.
26.Concentration Curl. Want to really get ready for the gun show? Start in a forward lunge position, right leg in front, and place the middle of the band under the right foot. Grasp one end of the loop band with your right band, resting your elbow on the inside of your knee (to target those biceps a little deeper). With palm facing away from your knee, curl the band up toward your shoulder, squeezing your biceps at the top. Slowly lower back down and repeat for 8-10 reps before switching sides.
27.Tricep Kickback. Kick back and relax. Just kidding! Stand in a forward lunge position with your right foot in front, positioned over the center of the band. Holding each end of the band, position your arms at your sides with palms facing behind you. Bend at the elbows (keeping them tucked by your sides) until your forearms are parallel to the floor. Next, press down the arms, pushing the band behind your body until the arms fully extend. Lower back down and repeat for 8-10 reps.
28. Overhead Triceps Extension. Sit on a chair or bench, placing the center of a tube band beneath your glutes. Grab a handle in each hand, and stretch your arms up, bending your elbows so that your hands are positioned behind your neck. With palms toward the ceiling, press your arms straight up until they fully extend. Lower back down and repeat for 10-12 reps before switching sides.
29.Woodchoppers. Be an ax man (or woman) in training with this great core move. Anchor the loop or tube band toward the top of a cable column or support. With your right side to the support, grab the free end of the band with your arms stretched out overhead. In one smooth motion, pull the band down and across your body to the front of your knees while rotating your right hip and pivoting your back foot. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 8-10 reps on each side.
30.Anti-Rotation Band Walkouts. Know when to walk away. Anchor a loop or tube band on a cable column or support positioned slightly below your chest. Grasping the free end, create tension on the band and squat to an athletic stance. Holding the band with both hands straight out in front of your chest, keeping your core tight, step laterally until the band is too tense to go any further. Slow and controlled, move back toward the column to starting position. Repeat for 6-8 reps on each side.
31.Russian Twist. Not your vodka with a twist. Sit on the floor with legs extended, wrapping the center of the band around the bottom of your feet. Hold the free ends in each hand. Slightly bend your knees, keeping your feet on the floor, and lean back at a 45-degree angle. Rotate the band right by bringing your left hand across your body and your right hand down by your right hip. Contracting your oblique muscles, bring the band toward your right hip while keeping your middle and low back neutral. Return to starting position and rotate left then right for a total of 10-12 reps on each side.
32.Kneeling Crunch. Attach the band to a high anchor (such as the top of a door or cable column) and kneel down, grabbing each side of the band. Extend the elbows out at shoulder-level, engage your abdominals, and crunch down toward your hips while contracting your abs. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 10-12 reps.
33.Reverse Crunch. Ready to put it in reverse?Anchor the band in a low mount position. Lie on your back, bending your knees to form a 90-degree angle. Wrap the band around the tops of both feet and scoot back enough to create tension the band. Abs tight and back flat, pull your knees toward your shoulders, contracting your abdominal muscles. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 12-15 reps.
Below is a resistance band sample workout that can be done in 30 minutes. After going through the list above you can put together your own program. (If you do decide to purchase resistance bands, again check with a fitness professional to determine the type of resistance bands you need. The bands go by color, either from the bands or from the handles. The lighter the color, the easier the resistance, the darker, the harder.)